How to survive long flights with young kids


Let me start by saying we are not here to survive long flights, we are here to thrive on long flights with young kids. It’s no secret that we are big fans of taking our kids with us when we travel. Currently we are in the thick of flying with a baby, toddler and preschooler. Though it is hard at times, it is absolutely not as hard or impossible as you might think. I’m often asked for tips on how to manage long flights with small kids. Like anything with parenting, I have to start with, I’m not an expert but here is what works for us and hopefully you can find something that works for you. You know yourself and your family best and what works for us may not work for you. I remember our first flight with Keelin, I was terrified going into it. Mostly the unknown, but I think we build it up in our heads to be a bigger deal than it actually is. Flying with kids is not hard. Consider it really intentional parenting for a few hours. Trust me you will be just fine. Here are a few tips to help you survive long flights with small kids.

food and drink

I get hangry and so do our kids. I have always been keen on making sure I’m equipped with snacks and water for myself so when we added more mouths and bellies to our trip it was easy for me to remember to be sure we had food and water. Mess-free (or little mess) snacks are great and super helpful. We love having things like squeeze packets with fruits and veggies or yogurt. I usually look for the smaller ones in the store so we don’t get stopped in security. Small crackers or goldfish are great and we love making protein bites as something to keep us more satiated for longer flights. There is always opportunity to buy food if you need, but being prepared is always a good idea. Water is clutch. We always make sure to have the girls’ water bottles full and ready to go. Think about how parched you get flying. They do to and it makes them cranky. Bonus part about having snacks and drink is that during landing and take off, if their ears are having a hard time popping you can give the something to munch on or swallow to help them out. The only time we have had rough pressure changes has been when one of the kiddos was sick and had some extra sinus pressure. Usually once the ears can pop they will be happier.   Check out my previous post about the top 5 items to have with you to see my favorite water bottles and backpacks.



You can’t expect a kid to hang out on an airplane for a few hours without something to do. You read a book, get work done on a computer or watch movies, right? Well they want to be entertained too. Even more than you do. But YOU don’t have to be their entertainment. Think of some activities that they like to do maybe it’s reading books, or little legos but remember you are limited to carry on space. Some things that we like to bring are coloring books and sticker books (seriously amazing). I love getting them a new one right before a big trip. The excitement of something new keeps them entertained a bit longer than stuff they have seen at home. We also have an iPad for them (yes we use technology) and make sure to have headphones. On the iPad we have some apps that we really love as well as some movies downloaded that they love to watch. Have a Netflix account? You can download episodes of their favorite show to your iPad to watch when you don’t have WiFi. We found some headphones that fold up small and have volume control to protect their little ears. They actually fit their small heads and they feel so cool wearing them. These have been super helpful to keep them entertained for long flights and it is sort of a treat to get to play with and watch the iPad since they don’t get it at home normally. 

normal rules and routine may go out the window

Ok agree with me on this or not, I don’t care. For us this is true. Within reason, people, come on. Yes they have to be respectful to people around us, to their siblings and their parents. No they don’t get to throw tantrums over nothing and act like total hooligans, but normal routine is gone. Sleep when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. You might nap on the airplane before we make it to a hotel. You might nap in the carrier as we walk through the airport. It’s ok. Kids are resilient and flexible if you let them be. I know this doesn’t work for some people and some people’s kids, but for us this is true. What do I mean about rules going out the window? Well, you wanna eat the whole bag of goldfish? I don’t care. Want to play the iPad for more than the usual allotted time? Does it keep you happy? Cool, go for it. It’s one day. One day is not going to ruin them. 

let them move

People aren’t meant to sit for hours on end, especially children. Don’t get me started on schools cutting PE and shortening recess (former teacher here). The point is kids need to move. They need the exercise but they are also learning as they move. This is one of the many reasons we don’t carry on car seats (some people swear by carrying on car seats and buckling their kids in). Let them sit in their own seat (if they aren’t a lap child). Let them kneel in that seat or stand up. Let them stand next to the seat or in the aisle. Take them for a walk. Oh the walks. Those toddlers man, once they know how to move they want to move. So let them. Clearly if the seatbelt sign is on they need to stay seated for their own safety but trust me, if you can let them move around they will be a heck of a lot happier and so will you. Let them run around the airport before you board the plane. Get those wiggles out. This is a reason we opt for no stroller and usually make our kids walk on their own through the airport. Sure sometimes they end up in a carrier or wrap or riding on the suit case, but letting them move their bodies will make the sitting still parts more manageable and enjoyable.

Toddler girl looking out at London skyline from the top of the London Eye

stay calm

This may be easier said than done. Be calm and patient. Kids can read you and will play off your energy. Are you frantic and anxious? Your kids will be frantic and anxious. Does flying making you go crazy, your kids will go crazy. Can you keep it together and be calm throughout the day? Your kids will more than likely feel safe and calm with you. Is it the actual flying that makes you uncomfortable or the hundred other people on the plane? If it’s the people, here are some thoughts straight from my internal monologue. You will only inconvenience people for a couple hours at most and you will never see them again. Not to mention most of them have headphones and don’t hear half of what is going on next to them anyway. Also, if they have a problem with your cranky baby, it’s a kid they need to get over it. Besides, if someone is rude or has an issues, it says more about them than it does about your parenting or your child. In all the flying that we have done I have never had someone be rude to me or our kids. In fact I have had the opposite experience where people were incredibly encouraging, offered up help, played with our kids or commented on how well they did. I see their faces when they see us board the plane with little kids. I know they are secretly dreading a long flight near tiny humans. But you have to ignore it and for the most part people are pretty understanding. Now, if you have had an awful experience, I am so sorry. That is rare. And for those of you who think it’s funny to post on social media about the screaming child on your plane. Just stop. You know who wants that kid to stop screaming more than anyone? The mom, and I promise she is doing the best she can.

enjoy the adventure

Adventure is why you are here right? Travel, adventure. They go hand in hand. I mean maybe you are traveling just to go see family but that doesn’t mean you can’t turn it into an adventure. Make the flight fun and exciting! Our girls love flying. Getting through security, taking the train to the correct terminal, heck even going up the escalator. It can all be fun and exciting if you make it fun and exciting. Just have fun, adventure begins before you reach your destination. Get your kids excited for each step of the way. Tell them what and why you are doing xyz throughout the day. Then nothing comes as a surprise and they will be excited for what’s next.

keep traveling and don’t stop

We started traveling with our girls at a young age and have continued to make a point of taking long flights. This helps in a couple of ways. One, we have gotten into a routine that is now easy and mostly seamless and our girls are travel pros. Now I feel like we are in a good spot where we can’t stop or we will lose it. Guess we just have to plan that next trip. So I guess my last bit of advice is to start traveling early and don’t stop.

So just take the kids. It’s not as hard as you think. Now you can survive long flights with young kids. I mean, thrive.

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