
I started #TheFrontStepsProjectKailua after coming across a story about a photographer in Massachusetts named Cara Soulia who was taking photographs of people in her community on their front steps as a way to spread joy and also bring the community together as we all stay apart. In the effort to flatten the curve with the Covid-19 outbreak many states have mandated people to stay home. People of Hawaii had begun social distancing and mostly staying home and we could all see and feel the movement coming.

I wanted a chance to capture some of the faces of the community and be able to give back in some small way before things got too serious. I am honored that the community came together in such a way that I was overwhelmed with the response and humbled by the generosity of those who participated in the project. Normally I am not one to jump on a trend but this was more than that. A chance to see the faces of the community and give back. With each photo i was blessed with a few moments of interaction with a person outside for my immediate family (and do something i love, photography) and in exchange donations were made to the Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii. I am in honored for a chance to use this gift of photography to make a larger impact. The families’ donations will be able to help families in our community that I alone would not be able to reach.

I met nurses, and first responders, immunocompromised and “young and healthy”. I met full families and parts of families. I met new homeschooling parents and brand new pets. i am thankful for the ones who will/are working the frontlines. I kept my distance to all but especially the vulnerable. I was encouraged by the fortitude of the mom alone with all the kids while dad still works his essential job. I’m in awe of each family I got to meet. That in a time like this, they are willing to give back and all i did was take a quick photo of their sweet faces.

** I ended my project with the start fo the mandatory stay-at-home order in Hawaii. All donations went directly to The Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii. If you are interested in making a donation in the spirit fo supporting the community you can do that here.**

KHON2 in Hawaii ran a story about this project. You can find that story here.

FamiliesKC Lostetter