Young family of three smiling and playing during their grow with me baby photography session by missoula baby photographer, kc lostetter

 Lifestyle Newborn and Growing Baby Photos

Lifestyle Newborn photography sessions take place in your home or favorite Missoula location and beyond (travel fees may apply). Newborn photography sessions tell the story of bringing baby home, settling into your new normal. You will cherish photos of baby and your growing family in those early days.

Newborn photo sessions are scheduled 1-3 weeks after baby is born, 2 weeks being the sweet spot.

All newborn photos are unposed and without props. I believe in honest, authentic photography that highlights your connection and love within your family.

The Grow With Me package is a series of 5 sessions including Newborn, 3 months, 6 month, 9 month and 1 year. These photo sessions showcase your baby growing, changing and hitting milestones while also incorporating the family.

Baby photography sessions can be done either in your home or favorite outdoor location.